Kagiso Jonathan Boinamo
Founder and Executive Director
KJB Productions Backline Hire
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KJB Productions Backline Hire South Africa was founded by Kagiso Jonathan Boinamo (Mohurutshe Mmina Tshwene), a graduate in the field of Performing Arts from Pretoria Technikon (now known as Tshwane University of Technology).
Mr Boinamo saw the need to start KJB Productions after identifying problems and frustrations experienced by artists, government departments and corporate companies when staging shows in venues that lacked the right equipment. His goal was then to create an easier way for the artists, government departments and corporate companies: from the creation of an idea which usually starts in the studio to the final product displayed on TV, radio & stages, without compromising the quality.
Artists and bands we have supplied to and serviced: Pics of our setup and artists